This is a perfect time! The price on the best selling Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 just dropped few days ago. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store.
This Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 is available on Amazon at over 15% off the retail price! Click here to take the advantage of huge discount!
Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 Deals
Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 is a hot and bestseller product at amazon now and Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 is a height quality product from Elgato. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store. You can read customer reviews of Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 and also find the cheapest price for you by compare special price. Click here to read Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840 customer reviews
Here are some of the great features of Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840
Elgato Video Capture Device 10020840, Transfer video from a VCR, DVR, set-top box, camcorder or any other analog video source to your Mac as an iTunes-ready file. The easy-to-use software guides you through each step, from connecting an analog video source, to capturing video, to choosing how you will watch and share it. One simple click adds your captured video to iTunes to sync with an iPod, iPhone and Apple TV, plays it in QuickTime, or uploads it directly to YouTube. You can also edit your video right away in iMovie. Elgato Vide
- Captures NTSC, PAL and SECAM. Features Composite and S-Video inputs
- One-click export to iTunes, QuickTime and iMovie
- Transfer video from a VCR, DVR, camcorder or any other analog video source to your Mac
- Direct upload to YouTube
- Records in iTunes-ready high quality H.264 or MPEG-4 files
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