New Pourty Easy to Pour Potty - Blue

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This Pourty Easy to Pour are available on Amazon at a reduced price! Click this link to take advantage of this lower price!

Here are some of the great features of Pourty Easy to Pour Potty - Blue

Pourty , The Pourty potty has a unique patent pending pouring duct so that you can empty the potty without any dribbles or mess. When you empty a conventional potty you have to empty the contents over the seating area and any pee dribbles down the outside of the potty and all over the place. The Pourty potty has a handle at the front making it easy to pick up your child's potty and pour the contents out of the back away from where the child sits or touches. The lip at the top of the duct is designed so that there should be no dribbles down the outside of the Pourty. You can then simply refill the Pourty with water and wash it out. The Pourty is very comfortable for the child to sit on because the seating area is wide and ergonomically designed. The two sides of the back rest offer ample support. The Pourty is made out of thick sturdy plastic making it more stable and harder for your child to knock over. The Pourty potty was designed by parents who became frustrated with the mess when emptying a conventional potty. The Pourty is made in England.

  • High splash guard to prevent spills
  • Handle at the front so that you pour contents out of the back away from where the child sits or touc
  • Unique patent pending pouring duct making it more hygienic and easier to empty and clean
  • Sturdy plastic and wide base for extra stability
  • Large seating area for greater comfort for boys and girls
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